torsdag 22 april 2010

The tape-up mix-up

The New Yorker: - Hey Nike, could you please ask the Arabian guy with those strange ab-moves over there where he got his tape-up. He doesnt understand what Im saying.

Jag: -I dont think its a tape-up, I think its a mansier. That might not be right, Im just trying to be a witty white. Lemme ask, dude looks like a lady.

* Jag får via 3 andra språk the secret way to the end of the rainbow in the dark typ ( Salong Habibi ). Det blir ju liksom viskleken fast den särskilda viskleken och inte den allmänna där dem tröga i klassen är.

Jag: - Pass Fisktorget coming from uptown and its on your left side just before you get to Dalaplan. If you dont see any burkas anymore you have gone too far and you might be in Vellinge or in Belgium.

Inga kommentarer:

Hur kommer Alanyatrippen sluta för mej?

Va vill du helst rädda?

Va e de värsta du kan höra från nya flirt?